Welcome to Urban Vann’s Blooming Rewards, the exclusive loyalty program designed to cultivate and nurture the green thumb in all our valued customers. Join us on this journey as we help your garden grow and your love for plants flourish!

Tier 1: Vann Fan

Requirement: Purchase 5 plants from Urban Vann

Reward: A selection of Urban Vann merchandise including a stylish branded pot and a set of basic gardening tools to showcase your new green companions.

Tier 2: Vann Shaukeen

Requirement: Purchase 7 plants from Urban Vann

Reward: Unlock customizable Urban Vann merch! Choose from a range of vibrant pots, gardening tools, and accessories to tailor your gardening experience to your unique style.

Tier 3: Vann Expert

Requirement: Purchase 10 plants from Urban Vann

Reward: Indulge in our luxurious full gardening hamper! This premium collection includes a curated assortment of high-quality tools, fertilizers, seeds, and a special edition Urban Vann watering can to keep your garden in top shape.

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